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Sharif University of

Progress Report

January 11, 2020 12:08 | Anonymous

Dear Members and Friends of SUTA

We hope this update finds you in excellent health and wellbeing at the dawn of the New Year, which also coincides with the start of the third decade of SUTA.

SUTA’s 10th Board of Directors started in June, and we have held eight board meetings since then. During these meetings we discuss strategy, new ideas, project plans, progress and issues that need to be addressed. Our primary focus is on four major programs including: Runion-2020, SUTA Chapters, SUTA Awards, and Communication Channels. Committees were organized to plan and implement various projects of these programs. Minutes of our meetings are available on SUTA website www.suta.org to all visitors.

SUTA Reunion 2020- As of now the planning phase of the Reunion-2020 has been completed and we plan to announce the details of the venue, date, and registration next month. The reunion program will include several keynote speakers, discussion panels, networking sessions, AGM and board report to membership, Awards presentation, and Gala dinner.

SUTA Chapters- Skype meetings and phone conversations were held with SUTA chapter representatives in Toronto, Seattle, Washington and California to learn about their local events and solicit their input on various SUTA programs. A summary of the recent chapter events were reported in the fall edition of SUTA Newsletter.

SUTA Awards- Awards committee has held planning meetings and discussions on SUTA awards projects including: Dr. Amin Lifetime achievement award, Dr. Mojtahedi Innovation award, Alumni achievement award, and Staff recognition award. Announcement for Dr. Mojtahedi award was sent out in October with project submissions due February 1st.

SUTA Communication Channels- Our Fall edition of the SUTA Newsletter was published in October and sent to members and SUTA friends. Social media channels/Groups on Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp were initiated to facilitate information sharing and networking among members and Sharif University alumni. A Linkedin SUTA Group channel which was initiated in 2016 currently includes over 2000 members and includes news from Sharif University and SUTA, and articles of interest to alumni and students. Several improvements were made on the format and content of our website in recent months. A section was added to recognize successful Sharif University alumni and showcase their achievements.

Successful implementation of the above programs requires supports and contribution from SUTA members and friends. Your active involvement and feedback allow SUTA to continue pursuing programs that are truly important to our members and to Sharif University alumni and students. Please invite your friends and classmates to join SUTA. You can share your comments about SUTA and our programs at info@suta.org. To make a gift towards any of the above programs please visit our website at www.suta.org where details are provided.

We wish all of you a healthy, happy, and prosperous year in 2020


Farrokh B. Malihi and the members of the 10th Board of SUTA

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