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Sharif University of

Reunion 2020

March 19, 2020 17:42 | Anonymous

Dear SUTA Associates,

During the past five months the reunion committee of our board has been working on a plan for Reunion-2020 and as of now the committee has prepared detailed plan and budget for this event to be held in Northern California in August. However, in light of the recent developments in COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties of this situation over the next few months, the committee has recommended to postpone this event. 

We are committed to provide a healthy and safe environment for our community and members. Also, we want to let you know that the Reunion-2020 is an important program for Board-10 and we like to go ahead with our plan to hold this event later when it's possible. We are watching the situation with COVID-19 closely and will announce the venue and the date as soon as we are assured of safety and well-being of our guests. Please check suta.org routinely and we will keep you informed of our plan.

Farrokh Malihi

President of SUTA

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