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Sharif University of


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  • December 18, 2014 11:24 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    We are very pleased to announce that our dear friend and SUTA member, Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis, from USC, has won one more prestigious recognition. 

    Behrokh and two of his colleagues at USC have been inducted into the National Academy of Inventors.

    For more news please click here and here.

    The Board of Directors would like to congratulate Behrokh for yet another extraordinary accomplishment.

  • November 28, 2014 10:00 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    On November 27, 2014, SUTA, in collaboration with ISW and Shenkht Group organized an event at the University of Toronto, with Dr. Reza Moridi, the Ontario minister of research and innovation, and also the higher education, colleges and universities, as the speaker. The talk was entitled "Research in Ontario:" and was followed by many questions from the audience. About 120 members and guests attended this event.

    For a more detailed report of this event (in Persian), please click here.

    For more pictures of the event, please refer to our Facebook Page.

    For accessing the PowerPoint presentation of the event, please click here (the file size is about 12 MB). We thank Dr. Moridi and his staff for providing the deck of slides here.

  • November 18, 2014 23:30 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    The first Montreal Chapter's Meeting was held on November 5th 2014, at the EV Building of Concordia University with about 75 graduates and affiliates of Sharif University of Technology. The event started at 7:00 PM and finished at about 9:00 PM. Following is a summary of the meeting:


    1) Mr. Amin Fazili, the director of events, opened the ceremony and welcomed the guests by a short warm greeting speech.


    2) Mr. Hamzehlouia, the chapter president, warmly welcomed the attendees and then presented SUTA, SUTA goals, SUTA membership, Montreal chapter board members and election process. He invited and encouraged all Sharif University graduates in Montreal to support SUTA by attending SUTA events, participating in election process and sharing their ideas, suggestions and expectations to improve SUTA's performance.


    3) Professor Amir G. Aghdam, the president of IEEE Canada, was invited to give a speech for guests. He started his speech by talking about Sharif University's history, previous SUTA gathering events. He shared his experience with attendees about studying and working abroad and gave them priceless hints to move towards success in their future career in Canada.


    4)  At the end of the meeting, attendees found an opportunity to have a short chat and get introduced with each other.  


    5) The attendees were treated with coffee and cake.


    6) Moreover, Mr. Hamidreza Eslami, the director of services, supported the event by taking photos.


    This meeting was held in a very warm and friendly atmosphere. Thanks to all Montreal Chapter board members and all who helped us make this event a memorable and great one.




  • November 18, 2014 23:00 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    Dear SUTA members,

    As you might be aware, the 8th Global SUTA reunion has been held in Milan, Italy on August 1-3, 2014. One of the invited speakers to this event was Dr. Sourena Sattari, the head of the National Elites Foundation (Bonyad-e Melli-e Nokhbegan), and the Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology. However, he could not make it to the event, and instead he sent a 10 minutes video message, which was presented by one of his staff, Mr. Ali Morteza Birang, at the opening ceremony of the reunion. Both Dr. Sattari and Mr. Birang are SUT graduates. Besides Dr. Sattari has been a professor at the SUT as well.  

    On behalf of the Board of Directors of SUTA, I would like to thank Dr. Sattari and Mr. Birang, for their participation at the reunion and their support of the association. Also, since after the presentation of Dr. Sattari's message at the reunion, some members expressed different viewpoints on the contents of this video message, the Board of Directors decided to make the video message public, so that all members, including those who could not attend the reunion, or those who for any reasons could not hear it in its entirety, can listen to the message once again. 

    The video message can be reached here (it is a very large file and requires high speed to download).

    Once again, those members who wish to express their opinions about this video message, please feel free to communicate with the Board via email (board@suta.org).

    Board of Directors

  • November 06, 2014 22:03 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    به یاد استاد فقید دکتر محمد حسین پرتوی

    بدینوسیله از طرف کلیه اعضای انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف در گذشت استاد فقید و گرانمایه دکتر محمد حسین پرتوی را به خانواده محترم ایشان و کلیه اعضای خانواده دانشگاه شریف، بخصوص دانش آموختگان و اساتید دانشکده فیزیک که با ایشان همکاری نزدیک داشته و در طول سالها از دانش و تجربیات ایشان بهره برده اند، صمیمانه تسلیت گفته و یاد ایشان را گرامی میداریم.

    هیات مدیره انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (سوتا) 

  • October 23, 2014 22:57 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    In an effort to clarify some of the definitions and processes in SUTA Bylaws, the 7th SUTA Board of directors has drafted a new amendment (called the 2nd amendment) to the Bylaws

    The new amendment includes clarifying the definition of some member categories, the composition of SUTA Board of directors, and chapter relations. These modifications have been discussed in SUTA Reunion 2014 meeting in Milan Italy. 

    Hereby, we are presenting this amendment for comments and reviews by all members:

    To this end, we appreciate if you send your comments or proposed modifications to members@suta.org no later than 15th of November 2014 (11/15/2014). SUTA Board will compile and discuss the comments, and creates the final draft to be voted by all members in December 2014, along with the election for 8th SUTA Board of directors.

    SUTA Board of Directors appreciates any involvement by SUTA members, and looks for your comments on the Bylaws.

    Best Regards

    Dr. Masoud Olfat, on behalf of Bylaws Committee

  • October 21, 2014 21:50 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    As of today, there has been some changes in the SUTA annual membership fees, as follows:

      1) for full-time students, the fee was dropped from $20 to $10.

      2) for associate members, the fee was raised from $20 to $50 (the same fee as for regular non-student members).

    For more details on the membership fees, please refer to this link.

    SUTA Board of Directors

  • October 18, 2014 00:13 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    We would like to announce that Dr. Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani has received the prestigious Best IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society PhD Dissertations Award in 2014The award was presented to him on 9 October 2014 in the framework of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation SystemsQingdao, China.


    This prestigious award is given annually to the best PhD dissertations in the world in the field of Intelligent Transportation systems (ITS) by IEEE at the IEEE ITS conference (which was this year in China).



    In 2010, Dr. Keyvan-Ekbatani finished his graduate studies in the field of Highway and Transportation Engineering at Sharif University of Technology. Right after, he received a PhD scholarship from NEARCTIS (Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic management in the Information Society), funded by the European Commission. He finalized his PhD dissertation “Real-Time Urban Traffic Control under Saturated Traffic Conditions” at Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory (DSSL), Tech. University of Crete, Greece and Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Both groups are among the leading institutions in the area of ITS. DSSL was awarded with the IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award in 2011 (http://sites.ieee.org/itss/itss-awards/ieee-its-institute-lead-award/).

    Currently, he is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Transport and Planning, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands (http://www.citg.tudelft.nl/en/about-faculty/departments/transport-and-planning/staff-information/dr-mehdi-keyvan-ekbatani/).


    We wish Dr. Keyvan-Ekbatani all the bests.

    Board of directors


  • October 17, 2014 23:04 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The mandate of the 7th Board of Directors of SUTA is soon going to end and we are planning to have the 2014 elections in December. We would like to invite our members first to make sure that their memberships are in good standing, and that they have paid their memberships dues. Only members whose membership dues are paid and their status is active on December 1st 2014 will be called to vote. Also please note that only regular and student members have the right to vote and to be nominated in the elections (potential members, associate members and honorary members would not be called to vote)*.

    The call for nomination is officially open as of today, and members who would like to nominatethemselves, are asked to send a message to elections2014@suta.org, stating their willingness tonominate themselves, as well as a short bio, a statement of what they consider doing for SUTA, if elected, and a photo to be included on the website, and mass messages. This email is the alias of the SUTAElections 2014 Supervisory Committee which consists of:

    1. Ms. Mahshid Agir
    2. Dr. Fariba Aria
    3. Dr. Elaheh Enssani
    4. Dr. Shahryar Makarechi
    5. Mr. Farrokh Malihi
    6. Dr. Zahed Sheikholeslami

    We will close the nomination process by the end of November and will run the elections in December. The results of the elections will be announced by the end of December and in January 2015 the new Board would be formed.

    Best regards
    SUTA Elections 2014 Supervisory Committee
  • October 02, 2014 21:27 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    We are delighted to announce that Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis' technology, Contour Crafting, has been selected at the prestigious Create the Future design contest, organized by NASA Tech Briefs Media Group and sponsored by Intel, HP and a number of other major industries, as the top technology to receive the Grand Prize. 
    The Grand Prize will be presented to him at the ceremony on  November 7 in New York City.

    Dr. Khoshnevis is a graduate of SUT, a long time SUTA member and also the winner of SUTA's 2012 Alumni Achievement Award.

    We wish Berok all the bests.

    For more information, you can read the pdf file here: Create the Future Design Contest.pdf.
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