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  • November 26, 2011 06:59 | Anonymous
    7th International Reunion of Sharif University of Technology
    July 13-16, 2012
    Delta Ottawa City Center
    Ottawa, Canada

    Dear Friends,

    We are pleased to announce the 7th International reunion of Sharif University of Technology (SUTA), which will be held in the beautiful city of Ottawa, Canada during July 13-16, 2012.  This special event is organized jointly by SUTA and Shiraz University Association (SUA).  A key objective is to provide ample opportunity for involvement, and social and professional interactions/networking among participants. The overall plan for this 4-day event (Friday-Monday) includes the following programs.  Details of this program along with instructions for registration will be available shortly on SUTA website (www.suta.org), and a special website arranged by the local organizing committee in Ottawa (www.sutao.ca)
    • A welcoming reception ceremony, and social event (Friday)
    • Report by SUTA Board of Directors, and SUTA Chapters on activities during 2010-12
    • Report by Shiraz University Alumni Association Board of Directors
    • Report of the Local Organizing Committee
    • Presentations by guest speakers from Sharif & Shiraz Universities on various topics of interest according to the theme of this reunion
    • Organizing specific group sessions and panels to provide discussions and networking opportunities among guests with common interests on topics  relating to: education, specific industry, economic & industrial development in Iran.
    • Presentation of SUTA Awards: Dr. Mojtahedi Innovation Awards, Dr. Amin Faculty Achievement Award, and Alumni Achievement Awards
    • Gala Dinner and guest speaker (Saturday)
    • Closing ceremony (Sunday)
    • Sport activities
    • Local tours and sight seeing (Monday)
    We encourage you to participate in this reunion and use this opportunity to connect with classmates and friends, and discover new friends from Sharif University and Shiraz University in your home community and around the world.

    Look forward to seeing you in Ottawa.

    Best regards,
    SUTA Board of Directors, and SUA Board of Directors
  • November 11, 2011 06:57 | Anonymous
    Toronto Chapter Special Event
    A Fun Night with Friends at Friends Restaurant

    Thursday November 24, 2011
    7:00 -11:00 PM

    Friends Restaurant, Richmond Hill
    9625 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5T2 (Main intersection is Yonge and Weldrick)
    tel: (905) 737-4500

    Tickets are sold for $25. For more information please contact Mahshid Agir (SUTA - Toronto Chapter)
  • November 11, 2011 06:55 | Anonymous
    SUTA's Vancouver Chapter Gathering and Elections

    Sunday November 6, 2011
    2:00pm at UBC Theater Lounge

    Speakers include: Dr. Fredun Hojabri, Mr. Fariborz Ordubadi, and Mr. Iraj Akbari
    For further information please contact suta.vc.bod@gmail.com

  • September 13, 2011 06:45 | Anonymous
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop
    December 13-15, 2011
    Sharif University of Technology

    Dear Friends,

    SUTA is pleased to announce the upcoming workshop on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management" which will be held during December 13-15, 2011 at Sharif University of Technology.


    Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of adding value and creating wealth. A successful entrepreneur is capable of leading and managing this process by using required knowledge, skills, and resources to turn a good idea and a market opportunity to a successful business.

    The objective of this workshop is to provide entrepreneurs with knowledge and skills required to lead and manage this dynamic process. This include an in depth understanding of various stages involved in this process from concept, to screening ideas, to product development, to marketing & business plan, and to financial and legal aspects of this process.

    Speakers and Presentations:
    • How venture capitalists evaluate and how venture firms operate, Shahin Farshchi – Senior Associate, Lux Capital
    • Basics of Inventive Thinking, Behrokh Khoshnevis – Engineering Professor, USC
    • New Product Development Process, Farrokh Malihi – Managing Director, Fargol Group
    • Entrepreneurial Business Planning and Finance,  Hamid Najafi – Managing Director, Invensense International
    • Technology Commercialization Strategy,  Zahed Sheikholeslami – Dean Iranian Business School
    • Royalty Audits of Technology License Agreements, Keith Johanns – Managing Director, Quids, Ltd.
    • The art of patent searching: Patentability, Validity and Infringement, Parham Fatehi – Patent Analyst

    Target Audience:

    Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Managers, Specialist in R & D, product development, and marketing departments


    This 3 day workshop will be held during December 13-15, 2011 at Sharif University.  Registration fee for those who register before November 15th. is $300.  Registration fee includes:  speakers' presentations, certificate of attendance, and lunch.  Registration fee after November 15th will be $400. A discount of 10%  for group registration, and 40% for students will be considered.

    To register please fill out the registration form and fax to our office at fax number: 66164335.  Make payment to Bank Mellat (Sharif University Branch), Account Number: 202220159 (Dr. Boghaei). For additional information, please contact our office at 66164335, or workshop coordinator: Mr. Farrokh Malihi (f -DOT- malihi -AT- gmail -DOT- com). To receive the brochure and registration form for this workshop please go to our website: www.suta.org

  • September 10, 2011 06:42 | Anonymous
    SUTA is pleased to announce its Innovation Award for the second time. For more information on the program, submission rules and important dates, please see the brochure. The call for submission of projects is now open and the application form can be accessed by clicking here.
  • August 19, 2011 06:30 | Anonymous
    • Greetings - Farrokh Malihi
    • News Brief from SUTA
    • Reports from SUTA Chapters
    • In Memory of Dr. Amin
    • Call for 2nd SUTA Dr. Amin Award
    • Report from Sharif University Commencement -2011
    • Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis
    • Report on Winners of  the 1st  Dr. Mojatahedi Innovation Award
    • Call for 2nd Dr. Mojtahedi Innovation Award
    • SUTA Organizes Innovation & Entrepreneurship Workshop at Sharif University
    • Interview with Dr. Maryam Shjaei
    • Attention to Ethical Issues
    • Introduction of Support Organizations at Sharif University
    • Report on SUTA Membership Survey
    • From Classes of Sharif University
    Click here to download the newsletter.

  • July 26, 2011 18:30 | Anonymous

    Supporting SUTA – An investment with global impact on Sharif University

    July 24, 2011

    Dear Friends,

    As someone associated with Sharif University of Technology (SUT) you likely share my pride and enthusiasm for the time we spent at SUT.  Life at Sharif University is a unique experience, one where many of us likely spent most of our hours studying, doing research, teaching, participating in sports activities, and socializing together with other members of the SUT community. Our time was unique to us and very often unique to the department within which we were teaching or studying.

    I know that my education at Sharif University was an important factor for my personal and professional success.  It is my hope that continuing generations of students at Sharif University will have an equally positive or even greater experience than my own.  That is why I spend a significant part of my time each year working with my friends on different projects of SUTA and contribute to funding of these projects.

    Over the past 11 years Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) has come a long way to become a global organization to connect all those associated with Sharif University to each other and to the University. Our reunions have become a popular forum to bring together faculty, alumni, and students from different parts of the globe to renew old friendships and begin new ones, share their personal and professional experience, and remember the unique time they spent at Sharif University.  SUTA chapters all over the world including the chapters in California, Toronto, Vancouver, Dubai and others are active and have become a home for social and professional events bringing together local alumni and friends. SUTA has become a strong voice to protect the rights of Iranian scientists and scholars. Our award programs including Dr. Amin Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dr. Mojtahedi Innovation Award have provided a means for recognition of outstanding achievements of faculty and students in research, and service to Sharif University.  This year we plan to add another award; Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize a Sharif University alumnus with notable professional achievement and service to the community.

    Successful implementation of the above projects requires active involvement, and contribution from all of us.  Support from members like you allows SUTA to continue pursuing projects that are truly important to our members and to Sharif University.  As a first step you can renew your membership, and encourage your friends to join SUTA.  If you are interested to work with SUTA committees managing these projects, or wish to be involved in local chapters activity, please contact us at suta.bod@gmail.com .

    Please join me in making a gift to SUTA this year. Your gift of any amount provides resources we need to continue making an impact on the Sharif University community.  Please make your gift by visiting our website www.suta.org, and send your gift online via Paypal system or using the account number provided in our website.


    Farrokh Malihi, EE'75
    President, Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA)

  • July 25, 2011 20:22 | Anonymous
    SUTA is proud to announce the 2012 SUTA’s Dr. Amin Lifetime Achievement Award.The award is intended to promote visionary work, high community impact and excellent industrial and international academic relations among Sharif University alumni and current or past faculty, while recognizing Dr. Amin, for his efforts in bringing the University to the high international standards. The objective of this award is to recognize a faculty member at Sharif University of Technology with notable lifetime achievements, outstanding service in education and research to the university, and community service.

    Hereby, the Board of Directors of SUTA invites all members to submit their nominations via email to suta.bod@gmail.com by Farvardin 31st1391 (April 20, 2012). In your nomination message please clearly indicate the name and contact information of the nominee, as well as yours; also please in a paragraph or two indicate why you consider the person you nominate to be a good candidate for this award, mentioning his/her greatest academic and community service achievements.

  • July 24, 2011 18:53 | Anonymous

    This year's commencement was held on Friday May 13th, 2011 at Sharif University of Technology (SUT). Over 2300 graduated from 16 departments of the university this year including: 100 Doctorate, 900 Masters of Science/ Engineering, and over 1200 Bachelors of Science/ Engineering degrees. This brings the total alumni from SUT to 34000 since the start of this University in 1965.

    During the past 46 years, over 800 PhD degrees, 11000 MSc degrees, and over 24000 BSc degrees were awarded. Statistics indicate a significant increase in the number of female graduates among the alumni from Sharif University. Since the beginning SUT has maintained top ranking position among engineering & science universities in the region and continues to attract top students from local high schools.

  • July 16, 2011 18:52 | Anonymous

    Over 100 undergraduate students of Electrical Engineering department completed their senior year project this year. These projects were reviewed by faculty members and top projects were selected and recognized during an award ceremony organized by EE department. SUTA was pleased to participate in this program and provide funding for awards of the top 3 projects.  Dr. Vakilian and Dr. Fardmanesh organized the award ceremony which was held at Kahroba conference room in July.  Top awards were presented as the following:

    1st place: "Design of an imaging system for processing medical images" -- Hojat Mousavi & Dr. Khalaj

    2nd place: "Design of a decoding process for COMA synchronous systems" --  Puya Ehsaani, Omid Mashayekhi & Dr. Marvasti

    3rd place: "Design of a self motion system for modular robots" -- Salman Faraji & Dr. Bagheri

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