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Sharif University of


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  • October 17, 2014 23:04 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The mandate of the 7th Board of Directors of SUTA is soon going to end and we are planning to have the 2014 elections in December. We would like to invite our members first to make sure that their memberships are in good standing, and that they have paid their memberships dues. Only members whose membership dues are paid and their status is active on December 1st 2014 will be called to vote. Also please note that only regular and student members have the right to vote and to be nominated in the elections (potential members, associate members and honorary members would not be called to vote)*.

    The call for nomination is officially open as of today, and members who would like to nominatethemselves, are asked to send a message to elections2014@suta.org, stating their willingness tonominate themselves, as well as a short bio, a statement of what they consider doing for SUTA, if elected, and a photo to be included on the website, and mass messages. This email is the alias of the SUTAElections 2014 Supervisory Committee which consists of:

    1. Ms. Mahshid Agir
    2. Dr. Fariba Aria
    3. Dr. Elaheh Enssani
    4. Dr. Shahryar Makarechi
    5. Mr. Farrokh Malihi
    6. Dr. Zahed Sheikholeslami

    We will close the nomination process by the end of November and will run the elections in December. The results of the elections will be announced by the end of December and in January 2015 the new Board would be formed.

    Best regards
    SUTA Elections 2014 Supervisory Committee
  • October 02, 2014 21:27 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    We are delighted to announce that Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis' technology, Contour Crafting, has been selected at the prestigious Create the Future design contest, organized by NASA Tech Briefs Media Group and sponsored by Intel, HP and a number of other major industries, as the top technology to receive the Grand Prize. 
    The Grand Prize will be presented to him at the ceremony on  November 7 in New York City.

    Dr. Khoshnevis is a graduate of SUT, a long time SUTA member and also the winner of SUTA's 2012 Alumni Achievement Award.

    We wish Berok all the bests.

    For more information, you can read the pdf file here: Create the Future Design Contest.pdf.
  • September 08, 2014 21:40 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    Dr. Mahmood Fotoohi has been named as the new chancellor of the university.

    SUTA congratulates Dr. Fotoohi, and wishes him success in his new position.

     شهریور 1393

    جناب آقای دکتر محمود فتوحی
    ریاست محترم دانشگاه صنعتی شریف

    بدینوسیله از طرف انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (سوتا) انتخاب شایسته جنابعالی را به ریاست دانشگاه صمیمانه تبریک گفته و آرزوی موفقیت های روزافرون در پیشبرد اهداف این دانشگاه برایتان داریم

    انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (سوتا) که در سال 1380 شمسی تاسیس و در ایالت کالیفرنیای آمریکا به ثبت رسیده است، یک انجمن غیر انتفاعی است که یکی از اهداف اصلی آن بر قرار کردن ارتباط نزدیک بین دانش آموختگان و دیگر اعضای دانشگاه صنعتی شریف میباشد. هدف مهم دیگر این انجمن ادامه ارتباطات مستمر ما بین دانش آموختگان مقیم در خارج از کشور با دانشجویان و کادر علمی دانشگاه بوده است، و در این راستا امیدواریم که در دوران ریاست جنابعالی این ارتباطات هر چه بیشتر و به صورت گسترده تری ادامه یابد

    از طرف هیات مدیره سوتا
    دکتر بهرام ظهیر اعظمی

    17 شهریور 1393

    جناب آقای دکتر محمود فتوحی

    ریاست محترم دانشگاه صنعتی شریف

    بدینوسیله از طرف انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (سوتا) انتخاب شایسته جنابعالی را به ریاست دانشگاه صمیمانه تبریک گفته و آرزوی موفقیت های روزافرون  در پیشبرد اهداف این دانشگاه برایتان داریم.

    انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (سوتا) که در سال 1380 شمسی تاسیس و در ایالت کالیفرنیای آمریکا به ثبت رسیده است، یک انجمن غیر انتفاعی است که یکی از اهداف اصلی آن بر قرار کردن ارتباط نزدیک بین دانش آموختگان و دیگر اعضای دانشگاه صنعتی شریف میباشد. هدف مهم دیگر این انجمن ادامه ارتباطات مستمر ما بین دانش آموختگان مقیم در خارج از کشور با دانشجویان و کادر علمی دانشگاه بوده است، و در این راستا امیدواریم که در دوران ریاست جنابعالی این ارتباطات هر چه بیشتر و به صورت گسترده تری ادامه یابد.

    از طرف هیات مدیره سوتا

    دکتر بهرام ظهیر اعظمی    


  • September 02, 2014 22:19 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    With sadness, we just learned that Dr. Ali Tabesh, a SUT graduate (EE) passed away today at the age of 46 from cancer. Dr. Tabesh was an Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and his M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.  He then went on to earn his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. We wish all his family and friends patience at these tragic moments.

    Bahram Zahir, President of the Board

  • August 25, 2014 22:51 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    It is our pleasure to share with you another exciting news that Dr. Ramin Golestanian, one of the Sharif University of Technology graduates, has won the 2014 prestigious Holweck prize "for his pioneering contributions to the field of active soft matter, particularly microscopic swimmers and active colloids." 

    Dr. Golestanian currently works at Oxford University.

    On behalf of SUTA we sincerely congratulate Dr. Golestanian on this great achievement and wish him all the bests. For more information, please consult this link.

    Board of Directors of SUTA    

  • August 14, 2014 22:52 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    A report by Deutsche Welle has been prepared and posted online (accessible here). This report has been slightly changed, after its initial broadcast, to correct a few mistakes.

    It should also be noted that the Deutsche Welle report has been prepared independently from SUTA and its content does not necessarily reflect the official SUTA position.

    Board of Directors

  • August 14, 2014 22:49 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    We are pleased to share the report of the 8th SUTA reunion here, in PDF format. We are also preparing a bulletin of news, with pictures and with more details that would be posted as soon as it gets ready.

    Board of Directors of SUTA

  • August 14, 2014 22:45 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    It is our pleasure to share with you the exciting news that Dr. Maryam Mizakhani, one of Sharif University of Technology graduates, has won the 2014 prestigious award of “Fields Medal.” She is the first woman to ever win the Fields Medal, otherwise known as the “Nobel Prize of Mathematics” in recognition of her contributions to the understanding of the symmetry of curved surfaces.
    Dr. Mirzakhani, a graduate of mathematics from the Sharif University of Technology, who is currently a professor at the Stanford University, has already won several prestigious awards, including the Satter Prize from the American Mathematics Society in 2013, and also the Gold Medal of Mathematics Olympiad in 1995. In 2005, when she was only 30 years old and teaching at Princeton University, she was selected by the Popular Science Magazine as one of the 10 superior brains in North America.
    On behalf of SUTA we sincerely congratulate Dr. Mirzakhani on her great achievement and wish her all the bests. For more information, please consult the following link: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/august/fields-medal-mirzakhani-081214.html.

    Board of Directors of SUTA

    It is our pleasure to share with you an exciting news that Dr. Maryam Mizakhani, one of the Sharif University of Technology graduates, has won the 2014 prestigious award of “Fields Medal”. She is the first woman to ever win the Fields Medal, otherwise known as the “Nobel Prize of Mathematics” in recognition of her contributions to the understanding of the symmetry of curved surfaces.

    Dr. Mirzakhani, a graduate of mathematics from the Sharif University of Technology, who is currently a professor at the Stanford University, has already won several prestigious awards, including the Satter Prize from the American Mathematics Society in 2013, and also the Gold Medal of Mathematics Olympiad in 1995. In 2005, when she was only 30 years old and teaching at Princeton University, she was selected by the Popular Science Magazine as one of the 10 superior brains in North America.

    On behalf of SUTA we sincerely congratulate Dr. Mirzakhani on her great achievement. For more information, please consult the following link: http://news.stanford.edu/news/ 2014/august/fields-medal- mirzakhani-081214.html.

    Board of Directors of SUTA   

  • August 09, 2014 22:40 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    A conference on entrepreneurship is being held in Berkeley, California, on September 6, 2014. The organizers of the conference have requested SUTA to inform its membership of this unique event, and we are delighted to share this news with you.



    For Immediate Release August 1, 2014

    Contact: Marilynn Ahern, Conference Contact +1.650.486.2429

    Bridge 2014
    High Tech Entrepreneurship in Iran: Opportunities and Challenges

    [Berkeley, CA] undefined For the first time, seasoned entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley and Iran will convene to explore the opportunities and challenges of high tech entrepreneurship in Iran and its impact on the country's ongoing economic development. Bridge 2014 (www.bridge2014.org) will raise awareness about the critical need to build educational bridges and promote the culture of “Entrepreneurs without Borders”.

    The Bridge 2014 conference (September 6, 2014 at the UC Berkeley Wheeler Auditorium) is predicated on the notion that the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation is the indispensable key to sustainable growth. This gathering will be part of a global effort to draw attention to “High Tech Entrepreneurship in Iran: Opportunities and Challenges.” This tagline represents the Bridge 2014 vision of calling upon change makers and thought leaders both in Silicon Valley and Iran. According to Kamran Elahian, Chairman and Co-Founder of Global Catalyst Partners, “We believe Silicon Valley and Iran’s thought leaders can empower aspiring young entrepreneurs that are striving to make a difference in this world.” “We envision this conference to be a precursor to future international events where highly accomplished executives will coach/mentor their aspiring counterparts from Iran.”


    Conference participants will educate each other about the issues impacting high tech entrepreneurship in Iran, the prevailing conditions in the country that deviate from the “global innovation model,” and the steps that should be taken to reduce this gap. Bridge 2014 complies with sanctions and corresponding laws. According to Kamran Elahian, “During this gathering, these key influencers with diverse backgrounds will share their vision, experiences, and perspectives for creating a better world through the power of innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. This conference explores the role of high tech in economic development: where change is the catalyst and choice is unlimited.”

    The issues that will be explored in this educational conference include: the attraction of venture capital, cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurs' failure, existence of innovation clusters, the ease of starting businesses, and the availability and accessibility of mentors and role models. According to Dariush Zahedi, Director of the Berkeley Program on Entrepreneurship and Development in the Middle East, “We will examine the circumstances under which high tech entrepreneurship and innovation can emerge as engines of inclusive growth, reducing the country’s dependence on extractive industries, expanding the size of its middle class, reversing the flight of capital, and promoting the circulation of the brain-drain.”

    Bridge 2014’s activities are hosted and sponsored by UC Berkeley. More than thirty companies, non- profit organizations and community leaders have provided support and donations for this event. For the list of sponsors, please see: www.bridge2014/donation.

  • June 10, 2014 13:14 | Masoud Olfat

    On Friday, 9 May 2014 the first SPIRIT conference (SPecialists of IT in IRan) took place at the Steigenberger Grandhotel Petersburg, Bonn in Germany. The event was co-organised by axxessio and VIHA (association of Iranian faculty members and academics). About 80 conference visitors participated in informative presentations about current and future topics in the IT industry. The speeches were held by seven distinguished speakers with Persian background.

    In addition to subject-specific presentations and a panel discussion, the participants had also the opportunity to inform themselves about the partners of SPIRIT 2014 at their respective stand.

    SUTA had a strong presence in SPIRIT 2014 through supporting the conference, attending and presenting in the conference, and promoting the conference to the members. 

    The media communications on SPIRIT 2014, including several pictures, a by BBC Persian, and a report by Deutsche Welle can be seen at 


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