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Sharif University of

In Memoriam of Late Dr. Alireza Seyedi

January 15, 2015 23:05 | Masoud Olfat

A few months ago Alireza Seyedi, a dear Sharifi friend (EE 1371) and a distinguished researcher at UCF passed away. In recognition of Alireza's impact and his many academic achievements and to celebrate his extraordinarily innovative life, his family and friends with the help of University of Central Florida established Alireza Seyedi Doctoral Research Innovation Endowed Scholarship. Initial fund of $17,365 was raised by family and friends. The fund has a target of $30,000 in order to be self-sustaining. Once the fund meets the minimum eligibility for establishing an endowment account, in accordance with the foundation policy, it will be invested in the UCF Foundation’s endowment long-term investment pool. The donations to this scholarship are eligible for tax deduction in accordance with US IRS regulations.
It makes sense to me that SUTA take the initiative to spread the word in this regard. If you are interested in making donations/ getting more information, please see the following link:http://adadpay.com/2015/01/07/post_726/


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