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  • May 30, 2014 10:39 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    SUTA Toronto Chapter and Iranian Scholars Worldwide (ISW) were delighted to jointly present a talk by Dr. Mohaddesseh Azimlu on Stars and planets formation and possibility of life in solar system and exosolar planets at the University of Toronto on Thursday May 29th, 2014. The talk was given to an audience of about 80 people, and was also live webcast on YouTube. It is still available at this address on YouTube (when watching, please fast forward the first approximately 10 minutes, to get to where it actually starts).

  • May 30, 2014 10:32 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    SUTA Toronto Chapter and Toronto Iranians Community Group were delighted to invite Mr. Reza Zarghamee to give a lecture on Discovering Cyrus: The Persian Conqueror Astride the Ancient World at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) on Saturday and Sunday May 24 & 25, 2014. The talks were part of the Iranian Heritage Day. The talks were received by an audience of approximately 30 and 60 people, on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

    We are very happy to also announce that Reza would be one of the 4 keynote speakers at our 2014 Global Reunion in Milan.

    Toronto Chapter Executive Committee

  • May 20, 2014 02:32 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The SUT Alumni Association in Iran is preparing for a conference in Tehran, October 2014. The conference will cover a wide range of issues such as alumni's achievements, modern university's mandate, brain drain, and engineering challenges facing the country.

    For details of the conference, and for the call for paper, please click here.

    Disclaimer: this event has been sent to us by SUT Alumni Association, and SUTA is not responsible for its contents and execution. 
  • April 23, 2014 01:56 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    SUTA is pleased to announce its affiliation with the Iranian Scholars Worldwide (ISW) association. The main mandate of ISW is to represent Iranian scholars outside Iran, and to help them promote themselves more effectively.
    For more information about ISW, and its mandate please refer to their website
    We hope that this affiliation paves the way for the more effective collaboration of SUTA and other like-wise organizations outside of Iran.


    پیام به سازمان دانشوران ایرانی سراسر جهان

    بسیار خوشوقتیم که شاهد آغاز به کار سازمان دانشوران ایرانی سراسر جهان می­باشیم. ایجاد چنین نهادی از دیرباز آرزوی ما در انجمن سوتا بوده و هست. و هم از این روست که سوتا مشتاقانه حمایت و همگامی خود را با این نهاد در شرف تاسیس اعلام نموده است. مایلم در این فرصت از طرف هیات مدیره، مشاوران و اعضای سوتا به هیات موسس این سازمان تبریک گفته و برایشان صمیمانه آرزوی پیروزی و سربلندی بنمایم. نیل به اهداف عالیه اکثریت جامعه تحصیل کرده ایرانی تبار در خارج از کشور در گرو رشد و شکوفایی سازمان­هایی نظیر سازمان شما و همدلی و همکاری گروه­ها و سازمان­های موجود می­باشد. دلتان شاد و امیدتان مستحکم باد.

    دکتر بهرام ظهیراعظمی، رییس هفتمین هیات مدیره انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف

    Message to the Iranian Scholars Worldwide (ISW)

    It is with great pleasure to witness the establishment of ISW with its noble mission. Creation of such an organization has been one of the ambitions of SUTA for long time, and for that reason we extend our sincere support to ISW. Also, on behalf of SUTA, our Board of Directors and advisers, I would like to present our best wishes to ISW and its founding members. With this establishment, we expect our community of Iranian Scholars to raise the bar, and set higher goals, and follow systematic methodologies in achieving those goals.

  • March 17, 2014 22:52 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The Toronto Chapter organized its Nowruz Celebration, on March 16 2014, in which more than 130 members and guests participated. The ceremony started with a short talk by Ms. Mahshid Agir, who enumerated the chapter's activities in the past year; discussed the adoption of SUTA Chapters Guidelines and its consequences and invited participants to attend the 2014 Reunion in Milan. The event was continued by live music, dinner, games, and DJ and dance, in a very friendly atmosphere till midnight at the Persian Palace restaurant.

  • March 06, 2014 23:34 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    The Toronto chapter organized a talk about Cancer on Wednesday Feb. 26, 14 at Parya Foundation. More than 30 people attended this seminar. Aside from SUTA members, there were several medical practitioners & oncologists among the audience.

    The first speaker was Dr. Manijeh Mohammadie who is an Internal Medicine specialist. Dr. Mohammadi is currently part of the University Health Network (UHN) which is a network among major hospitals in Toronto. She is also a researcher, lecturer and has published several articles in health related topics. Dr. Mohammadi started her talk with giving the statistics of breast cancer, which is the most common type of cancer among women and the second leading cause of cancer death in women. It can also occur in men which can be deadly too.

    Dr. Mohammadi continued her talk about the following aspects of breast cancer:

    • History of breast cancer
    • Risk factors including family history, delay pregnancy, Hormonal factors, life style & nutrition.
    • Signs of early detection & Symptoms
    • Breast cancer diagnosis, grades and stages
    • Treatment options
    • Screening

    The second speaker was Mr. Bahman Nasiri who is a SUTA graduate and holds a master degree in industrial & system engineering. Mr. Nasiri has more than 25 years of experience in management of well-known Iranian home appliance holding corporates; He also has a special interest in literature & culture and has published several magazines. Mr. Nasiri has been diagnosed with prostate cancer few years ago and has gone under surgery and other treatments. He is free of cancer now. He started his talk about the statistics of prostate cancer among men and the medical facts that he had learned during his illness about prostate cancer. Remaining of his talk was mostly about his personal experiences about coping with cancer and the emotional facts of life with cancer, and after cancer. He believes that state of mind can be an important factor in the treatment procedure of cancer or any other illness. In particular, he mentioned that meditation or relaxation has brought beneficial effects to the many people who dealt with cancer.

    The session ended with questions and answers for both talks.

  • February 24, 2014 23:57 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    SUTA is proudly a partner of SPIRIT 2014, to be held on May 9th, 2014 in Bonn, Germany.

    کنفرانس متخصصین ایرانی در فناوری اطلاعات توسط  جامعه استادان و متخصصین ایرانی مقیم آلمان (VIHA) و شرکت آی تی و مشاوره-مدیریت اکسسیو (axxessio) سازمان دهی و برنامه ریزی شده است. این کنفرانس تلاش می کند متخصصین آی تی ایرانی در سراسر دنیا را به هم بپیوندد. این همایش جایگاهی را ارائه می دهد تا تماس های ثمر بخش بین متخصصین مجرب آی تی در زمینه های علمی و فنی پایه گذاری شود. متخصصین به رسمیت شناخته شده از سوی سازمانهای بین المللی به این کنفرانس دعوت می شوند تا یک جمع بندی اساسی را در مورد آخرین پیشرفتهای علمی و فنی در حوزه فناوری اطلاعات بیان کنند .

    برای اطلاعات بیشتر از وب سایت  www.spirit-conference.com بازدید کنید.

  • February 20, 2014 09:30 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    مهدی مصطفوی کاشانی متولد تهران و فارغ التحصیل رشته کامپیوتر صنعتی شریف و سایمون فریزر کاناداست. او با داستان «تلنگر» نفر اول جایزه ادبی صادق هدایت شده است. پیشتر نیز مجموعه داستان های کوتاه او به نام "لیلا و داستان های دیگر" از طریق سایت آمازون در اختیار علاقمندان قرار گرفته بود که برای چند ساعت در بین 100 کتاب پرفروش غیرانگلیسی سایت آمازون بودده است.

    مهدی مصطفوی کاشانی نوشتن در مطبوعات را از نوزده سالگی در ایران شروع کرد. او سابقه همکاری با روزنامه شرق و نشریه‌های سینمایی، به طور خاص مجلات فیلم و فیلم نگار، را دارد. از او دو کار ترجمه، «دیوید لینچ» (انتشارات آوند دانش) و «فیلمنامه ۲۱ گرم» (انتشارات نشر نی) نیز به چاپ رسیده است. مهدی کاشانی طی هشت سال اخیر در ونکوور زندگی کرده و در حال حاضر مشغول آماده کردن مجموعه داستان‌هایش برای انتشار در ایران است.

  • February 13, 2014 11:29 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    By Behrang Ajam, MD, CCP
    North York Civic Centrer

    On Tuesday Jan 28, 2014, the Toronto Chapter and Shenakht Group jointly organized a talk on "Entrepreneurship, Why and Why Not." More than 35 SUTA members and other professionals attended the event. The session was very interactive and attendees were encouraged to share their opinions and ideas about every topic that was discussed. The session started by examining mindsets and presumptions towards entrepreneurship, followed by answering the question: "Who is an Entrepreneur?" and an open discussion about how an Entrepreneur lives, looks like, thinks, etc.
    Then the session continued with a discussion about the work-life balance, being wealthy, money, and the pros and cons of Entrepreneurship
    At the end there was a discussion about money mindset and presumptions. The session was closed by a review and then conclusion on all topics discussed.


  • February 04, 2014 10:51 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    In 2012, during our Reunion in Ottawa, Dr. Berok Khoshnevis, was the winner of SUTA's Alumni Achievement Award. We are proud to announce today his recent interviews with several major TV networks about his automated construction technology:

    Fox Business News with Varney & Co - Jan 27

    CNN International - Jan 24, 2014

    Fox Business News with Melissa Francis - Jan 23

    Jan 21, 2014 - CBS2 News

    And his TEDx talk on the subject describes the technology and has received more than one million viewers:

    This talk has been selected as one if top five as "TEDx Moments" among over 30,000 TEDx videos that have been produced in the entire history of TEDx. 

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