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Sharif University of


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  • February 14, 2013 13:38 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    We are delighted and honored to announce that Dr. Reza Moridi, Ontario MPP from Richmond Hill has been appointed as the new Minister of Research and Innovation in the Province of Ontario.

    We would like to congratulate Dr. Moridi on his new appointment to such a prestigious position and wish him all the bests in this new responsibility.

    Dr. Moridi is an associate member of SUTA, and has participated at our 2012 reunion in Ottawa as a speaker at our panel on Challenges of Higher Education in Iran: Collaboration among Iranian Academic Associations.

    On behalf of the Board of Directors
    Bahram Zahir
  • January 30, 2013 23:50 | Bahram ZahirAzami


    On January 24th 2013, SUTA Toronto Chapter hosted a talk along with a networking session at Bayview Golf and Country Club. Dr. Hossein Nivi, President & CEO of Pendaran Inc., gave the talk on how advanced technology can accelerate active learning. Members from Fanni Alumni Association in Ontario and Mohandes association also attended the event and they each had a table for their members. There were also guests from University of Waterloo and University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

    Event started with a short networking session. While guests were being registered and assigned to their tables, there was time for people on the same table to get to know each other.

    Dr. Bahram Zahir, Secretary of the Board of Directors opened the session and introduced Dr. Nivi. Dr. Nivi then started his talk with the importance of experience along with education and how it can affect the quality of the jobs done in the society. This gave him the idea of the Pendaran Inc. to be “a library of experience” as he put it. Pendaran provides its clients with virtual environments of their desired workspace. During the workshops, students are exposed to the obstacles and problems they may face during work. One of the people who has been through this course, Mr. Ali Rahmani, was also present at the event and was invited to talk about his experience during the workshop.

    During the question and answer session, interesting questions were asked such as how this idea of virtual experience can turn into a four-year bachelor’s degree to improve the quality of education in universities. However, the importance of science and theory was also emphasized.

    After the talk, dinner was served and ideas were exchanged between the attendees.

  • January 30, 2013 07:35 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The results of the SUTA elections for the 7 Board members, fo the 2013-14 period have been announced. You can see the details at this address.
  • January 01, 2013 11:00 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    After the approval of the elections procedures by the Election Committee and the nomination of 13 members, we moved forward by sending out the ballots on December 30th 2012; the voting period would be open till January 20th 2013 and results will be announced soon after that for the seven positions of the BoD for the period of 2013-14.

    It should be mentioned that if you have not received the ballot via email, and think that you have the conditions to receive one (meaning that you are an active member: in good standing, of non associate and non honorary level), please let us know ASAP.

    We would like to invite members to read candidates' profiles and to ask them questions on the forums.
  • December 18, 2012 00:27 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The Board of Directors of SUTA is delighted to announce that an honorary SUTA membership has been extended to Mr. Hossein Amanat, because of his contributions to the field of architecture, with landmark edifices in Iran and across the globe, and his unique contribution in the creation of SUT, as the head architect of the initial main campus under the late Dr. Mojtahedi's command.


    Mr. Amanat is a graduate of the Architecture School (Beaux Arts) of the Tehran University and the designer of the Shahyad Tower, renamed the Azadi Tower after 1979.

    He was born in 1942 in Iran and currently lives in Vancouver, Bristish Colombia, Canada.

  • December 03, 2012 13:28 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    Dear SUTA members,


    UAE Chapter of SUTA would like to invite SUTA members around the world for visiting SUTA UAE FaceBook Fan page and follow the programs and activities of SUTA UAE at http://www.facebook.com/sutauae.


    SUTA UAE is also honored to invite all SUT graduates around the world  to present a talk in  different  areas of science, art and technology by using virtual WebEx online facility at its weekly or monthly gatherings. 

    WebEx is a professional and reliable tools developed by Cisco in which the presenter can share files, images, slides and applications along with  quality videos and audio conferences with others in real time.


    If you would like to join us as speaker , please introduce yourself with your profile as well as some brief notes about your topic to us using the following email:  info@sutauae.org.


    Our weekly gathering time is Friday morning from 10-12 am (Dubai Time) and our monthly gathering is held on the last Saturday/Sunday of the month from 7-9 pm (Dubai Time). Please find more details from SUTA UAE FaceBook page.


    With regards,

    SUTA UAE Chapter

  • November 30, 2012 08:51 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    Dear Members,

    Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) seeks nominations for Board of Directors. We will elect, by voting from SUTA membership, seven directors to serve a two year term beginning January, 2013. The nominees and the voters should be a SUTA member in good standing at the time of elections (this means that their membership fees should have been paid). Associate members can not run as candidates for the elections.

    SUTA welcomes all members, independent of their highest degree, college affiliation, year of graduation, gender, and geographic representation to run for these positions and to bring their skills, experience and perspectives into the new Board. While the nomination is open to all members, the depth and breadth of the nominee's volunteer experiences in general, and volunteer involvement with SUTA's local chapters would be a grand asset. We strive to balance Board membership along a number of dimensions to represent the general membership as widely as possible. Please note that this is truly a working board and not an honorary or advisory position.

    Nomination deadline is set for December 25, 2012. To nominate yourself, please send a brief CV, a personal picture in JPEG format, and a letter indicating your volunteer activities and experience, as well as your academic and work background, current location, and aspirations for SUTA to suta.bod@gmail.com. Candidates will be announced on our website, www.suta.org as we receive the nominations. The voting period will be during December 26, 2012 through January 20th, 2013. Voting process is supervised by an independent advisory group, and results will be announced by the end of January, 2013.

    Many thanks for your help in building a strong SUTA Board.

    SUTA Board of Directors
  • November 29, 2012 23:45 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    Please find the fall 2012 report of the South California chapter here.
  • November 27, 2012 13:02 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    Please click here!
  • November 26, 2012 00:07 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    The Board of Directors of SUTA has approved to maintain the annual membership fee structure that we had for the past several years in the USD currency, as follows:

    associate member and student level: $20
    non student member level: $50

    However, as the exchange rate between the Iranian Rials and the USD has significantly changed since the time these rates have been adopted, the Board has approved the following new rates for the members living in Iran:

    associate member and student level: 300,000 Rials
    non student member level: 1,000,000 Rials

    These new rates for members paying in Iranian Rials in Iran will be enforced as of December 10, 2012. Whoever who pays the fees prior to this date can still pay with the old rates.

    On Behalf of the Board of Directors
    Bahram Zahir
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