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  • November 25, 2012 22:40 | Bahram ZahirAzami

    A considerable pool of talent in the Iranian community living in Canada was the subject of discussions among generations of immigrants and students. The SUTA Chapter in Ottawa in cooperation with CSIEA planned a meeting to show the road to success to young talents.

    A group of 34 young graduates and students who are potentially ready to start their business based on their innovative ideas were invited to listen to the speakers from government and private sector.

    Mr. Peter Stewart was our first speaker who explained all the facilities available to innovators and entrepreneurs to start their business and how to apply for funding and other services.

    Our next speaker was Dr. Alizadeh from Giatec Corporation. He  started his talk by telling his success story and also the challenges on their way to success. Dr. Alizadeh’s first start-up in partnership with long time friend and classmate Dr. Pouria Ghods is now a successful international company after several years of hard work and many challenges. They achieved this level of success two years after starting their business.

    The meeting was very useful to young soles of the community to see they are not left behind and the possibility to flourish and grow is available, just need to know the rules of the game and also to work hard.


    SUTA congratulates the Ottawa Chapter for this successful event.

  • November 22, 2012 10:07 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    SUTA is pleased to announce that we are going to activate the directory search, to allow finding members' university friends and classmates by searching the SUTA database. This feature would be available only to SUTA members (all student, non-student and associate levels, but not to simple contacts).

    The activation will happen on November 29, 2012.

    Members who may have concerns about privacy, are requested to login to the system and change their privacy settings before November 29th (go to the "privacy" tab, and unselect the fields that they do not want to be shared in the directory).

    Please note that only "members" will be listed and information from people who are only on our contact list would not be searchable nor will be displayed.
  • October 22, 2012 23:07 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    1.      Prelude

    The 7th global reunion of Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA), with over 250 delegates coming from all across the World, has been jointly held with Shiraz University Association (SUA) in Ottawa from 13th to 15th of July 2012. The delegates have arrived from Canada, the USA, Iran, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Australia. This was the second time that the two associations had some collaboration on their reunions; the first instance of this collaboration was in 2000 in San Diego, California, where the two associations had their reunions simultaneously and shared the venue (but were separate in all functions). The 2012 reunion in Ottawa, Ontario is the first time that the two organizations actually have a joint reunion, as all functions were common among the two associations, except for the AGMs.

    The two organizations decided to join their efforts in having a joint reunion back in August 2011, on a proposal of SUTA’s Senior Adviser, and longtime SUTA veteran, Dr. Fredun Hojabri, and consequent approval of the two boards of directors.

    Ottawa has been chosen among a few cities that have been nominated for the site of this reunion, based on its attractions, its proximity to centers where the associations’ members reside, the perception of comparatively easier visa process for those traveling from Iran, and the access to a pool of volunteer resources to run the reunion. While the two associations’ boards of directors were legally responsible for the reunion, an Organizing Committee (OC) of local volunteers has also been set up, as of late 2011, to take care of all the details of the event planning.

    • 2.      Report of the events

    2.1 Opening Ceremony

    Reunion of SUTA-SUA 2012 officially started with the National anthems of Iran and Canada. Mr. Mahdavi, the president of the Organizing Committee, started the session by welcoming all guests and alumni members. He presented a brief summary of the organizing committee work before and during the reunion and introduced the key members of his committee. His introductory speech led to a short welcome address by Mr. Ramin Behzadi, the vice president of SUTA, followed by a welcome video from SUTA president, Mr. Farrokh Malihi. Likewise, Dr. Farideh Tehrani, SUA President, came to stage to welcome alumni members.

    The opening ceremony then continued by a speech from Professor Fazlollah Reza, former president of SUT. During his speech, cultural and social attributes of Iran were discussed. He also focused on Iranian professionals, especially those living in foreign countries.


    2.2 Technical talks

    The program continued on Saturday morning and then on Sunday morning by the following technical talks:

    Dr. Hamid Jorjani talked about “Culture and Innovation”;

    Dr. Hamid Mostaghaci made his presentation on “A Smart Grid Vision-Innovation in Energy Industry”;

    Mr. Hossein Amanat gave a talk on “Contemporary Architecture and Legacy of Persian Past” with some memories of the foundation of Sharif University of Technology (formerly known as Aryamehr University of Technology), and the Azadi Tower (formerly known as Shahyad Tower);

    Mr. Farrokh Pebdani gave a talk on “the Future of Fossil Fuel”;

    Dr. Masood Khatamee gave a talk on “New Advances in Human Reproduction”;

    Dr. Shahla Masood had her presentation on “Cancer Care in 21st Century”.


    2.3 AGM


    - President’s Report, Mr. Behnam Kamrani and Mr. Ramin Behzadi

    - Treasurer’s Report, Ms. Negin Sadr

    - Open Discussion and Q&A

    After the mid-day break, each association and their members held their Annual General Meeting. SUTA AGM initiated with brief presentation on SUTA’s mission, vision and activities as well as a report on financials. Then, representatives of the BoD had a chance to introduce themselves to the members and left an open discussion for questions and answers. During the Q&A, the following items have been discussed:


    ·         The board gave a brief report on its activity and the financial status of the association.

    • The issue we had with visa and attendance of guests has been discussed.
    • Next location for the reunion 2014 has been discussed; A suggestion from the audience was to choose a location for future re-unions that is more viable for members from Iran to participate. The current location in Ottawa, ON (Canada) required a visit visa for many Iranian members and due to difficulties in applying for and getting the visa, many members were not able to attend the event despite their willingness.
    • Reviewing member’s expectation and helping out-of-country student members.
    • Suggestions how to attract younger members and how to assist the university both academically and financially, without infringing the boycott laws.

           One suggestion from the audience was to increase and give more importance to fundraising activities within the association in order to raise its financial ability and be able to fund further events and to provide help to its members.

           For the upcoming BoD elections the current BoD likes to invite candidates to come forward and particularly representatives from all active chapters are asked to bring in their enthusiasm and their vision.


    2.4 Award Ceremony and Gala Night

    After a long day of speeches and meetings, all members and their guests were relaxed into a gala night setting on Saturday night. At the beginning of the night, a video message from Dr. Hojabri was projected welcoming the guests.

    During the gala night, guests had the chance to network and socialize, and to take pictures. Also, both SUTA and SUA used this opportunity to present the award winners of their association.

    SUTA’s 2012 award winners have been introduced for Dr. Amin’s Lifetime Achievement Award, SUTA’s Service Alumni Award and SUTA’s Alumni Award, respectively as Dr. Saeed Sohrabpour, former president of SUT, Dr. Alinaghi Mashayekhi, and Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis. The last two awards have been introduced in 2012, while the first award dates back to the 2010 reunion in Sweden.

    Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis was present and was handed his award by Professor Reza. The other two awards will be presented in an upcoming local reunion/ award ceremony at SUT. The award ceremony was then followed by an interesting presentation by Dr. Khoshnevis on Automated Construction.

    Towards the end of the dinner, performers from Mamak Khadem team came up to stage to play their songs for audience. Sang by Mamak herself, the concert was an axiom of choice type with a Persian folkloric theme that was welcomed by the guests. The concert brought a lively atmosphere to the gathering where many of the guests danced on the floor.


    Report of the discussions

    Panel on “Challenges Facing Higher Education in Iran” - Part I

    Panelists: Dr. Mohammad Behforouz, Dr. Homayoun Shahriari and Dr. Bahram Zahir


          One main concern as stated by the panelists is that the institutions in Iran give more importance to the “quantity” of publications as opposed to their “quality”. In recent years, despite the fact that there has been a significant increase in the number of papers published by students in higher education institutions from Iran, unfortunately the same cannot be said about the average quality of those papers.

          Another concern that may cause some damage to the reputation of such publications is the fact that some of the papers do not fully comply with anti-plagiarism rules. One of the panelists brought an example of a paper from an Iranian university which was quite similar to the one being published earlier by a student under supervision of the panelist.

          Also the importance given to the quantitative development of the university capacities in Iran (in terms of number of students accepted), has overshadowed the need to improve the quality of education, and emphasize on performing research that solves real problems of the society or the industry.

          The difficulties faced by Iranian scholars living in Iran to create a dynamic and independent scientific community, that can play an influential role in the society were discussed and as a way to create such a community out of Iran, the creation of a new Iranian university abroad (most probably in North America) has been proposed.


    Panel on “Higher Education in Iran” - Part II

    “Collaboration among Iranian University Associations”

    Panelists: Dr. Reza Moridi, Dr. B. Khoshnevis, Dr. Farideh Tehrani and Dr. Bahram Zahir.

          This reunion was one of the first events of its kind bringing alumni and students from two major universities in Iran; Sharif University of Technology and Shiraz University under one roof. All panelists agreed on continuing effort to organize similar events and encourage other likewise higher education institution alumni associations to take part as well.

          One suggestion offered by one of the panelists, Dr. Bahram Zahir, was to shift the focus to more collaborative work between all higher education institutions in Iran and even establish an “Umbrella Association” that covers all such associations for more organized cooperation.

          A point of such collaborative efforts will be the help provided to Iranian students overseas with their continuing education and also providing help to students within Iran to be able to better pursue their educational goals.


    Panel on “Higher Education in Iran” - Part III

    “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”

    Panelists: Mr. Mehdi Mahdavi, Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis, Ramezan Benrashid, Mr. Afshin Matin, Mr. Keith Johanns


            According to one of the panelists, Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis, there are many Iranian students in North American universities who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. One example of such was the work being supervised by Dr. Khoshnevis in developing a technology called “Contour Crafting” which is considered as a revolution in construction of different structures, mainly multi-unit residential houses,

            All panelists agreed on the importance of having more collaborative efforts by similar associations in recognizing interested students and alumni and providing consultation and execution help to those groups.



    SUTA and SUA had a successful joint reunion in Ottawa, Ontario, in July 2012. The two associations, while keeping their independence, like to invite other likewise associations (such as the ones made of Tehran University, Amir Kabir Polytechnique, … alumni) to join for the 2014 reunion, to have an even greater joint event and in the passage evaluate the possibility of founding an umbrella organization, with the declaration of the goals, timelines, rules and agenda. Also such an umbrella organization can act as a support for a potential Iranian university abroad.


    PS: The audio recordings of most discussions and talks of the reunion are available at:



    Board of Directors of Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA)

  • October 22, 2012 00:56 | Bahram ZahirAzami
    دانش‌آموختگان دانشگاه شریف مقیم شمال کالیفرنیا به همت شاخه کالیفرنیای شمالی سوتا در روز ۲۲ سپتامبر سال ۲۰۱۲ در برنامه‌ای تفریحی گردهم‌آمدند. این برنامه در تاکستان آذری و با حضور بیش از شصت تن از اعضا در محیطی صمیمانه برگزار شد. دیدار دوستان و هم‌دوره‌ای‌های قدیم، نقل خاطرات روزهای خوش دانشگاه و برنامه‌ریزی برای برنامه‌های آتی شاخه کالیفرنیای شمالی از اهداف این برنامه بود.

    شاخه کالیفرنیای شمالی بدین‌وسیله از جناب آقای دکتر آذری برای در اختیار قرار دادن تاکستان آذری و امکانات رفاهی آن صمیمانه سپاسگزاری می‌کند.

  • August 26, 2012 11:07 | Anonymous
    Attached please find a summary report on recent activities of UAE chapter which was prepared by Dr. Faranak Ghahremonpour. For more information and communications with UAE chapter, please visit the following Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SUTA-UAE/330790823657007

  • July 29, 2012 12:49 | Anonymous
    Dear SUTA members

    Attached please find the Biannual Report of SUTA Board of Directors which was presented during the 7th Global SUTA Reunion in Ottawa on July 15th, 2012.

    Best regards,
    SUTA Board of Directors

  • July 28, 2012 06:48 | Anonymous
    The 7th global reunion of Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) was held jointly with Shiraz University Association (SUA) in the beautiful city of Ottawa from July 13th to 16th, 2012. Over 250 delegates including: honorary guests, invited speakers, faculty, alumni, and students and their families, from all over the world attended this reunion. The event was a success, and in addition to invited speakers, discussion panels, and social events, it provided an excellent forum for our members to renew old friendships, meet new friends, and for professional networking.

    The following link provides a collection of audio-video clips from the presentations at this reunion. Special thanks to Mr. Mehdi Fallahi and the organizing committee of the reunion in Ottawa who made this valuable collection available to us:

    Best regards,
    SUTA Board of Directors
  • July 25, 2012 06:46 | Anonymous
    Toronto Chapter
    Sorento Restaurant Fine Mediterranean Cuisine
    THURSDAY 26 July, 2012
    After 7:00 PM

    Dear Friends,

    Our next monthly gathering will be held at a new location managed by our old friend Mohammad, the owner of Napoli Restaurant.

    Sorento Restaurant Fine Mediterranean Cuisine
    900 Don Mills Road
    (same Plaza with Mongolian Grill)
    (416)-447-3590 ‎ ·

    All types of food, drinks, sweets and beverages are served.
    Free parking is available at the plaza.

    Please forward this message to other University friends.

    Mahshid Agir
    On behalf of the Organizing Committee

  • July 07, 2012 10:22 | Anonymous
    The annual contest for senior year engineering projects was held at Kahroba Hall on Wednesday, June 27th, 2012. The event was organized by Electrical Engineering department and was coordinated by Professor Fardmanesh. In his remark Professor Fotuhi, head of the department mentioned that the goal of this program is to promote research with practical applications among engineering students. Over 30 projects were selected for this year's contest. Projects were evaluated by three faculty members, and the top award recipients were announced as the following:

    First Place:  Mohammadamin Ajdari (find the poster here)
    Second Place:  Amir Ali Abdolrashidi, MohammadReza Pazhouhandeh (find the poster here)
    Third Place:   Shiva Piltan, Misagh Fallahi, Roozbeh Kanaanizadeh

    Awards for this program were provided by SUTA.

  • June 15, 2012 13:16 | Anonymous
    Professor Peter Agre, M.D., of Johns Hopkins University, visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) on Sunday, June 10th, 2012, and gave a presentation on Molecular Channels Through the Cell Wall, a topic related to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry he shared with professor MacKinnon in 2003. Over 500 faculty, alumni, and students attended this presentation at Jaber Hayan Hall at Chemistry Department of SUT.  Following his presentation, Professor Agre was awarded the SUT Medal of Honor by Professor Rusta Azad, President of Sharif University.

    Dr. Agre received his B.A. in chemistry from Augsburg College in 1970, and his M.D. from Johns Hopkins in 1974. Following an Internal Medicine Residency at Case Western Reserve University Hospitals of Cleveland and a Hematology-Oncology Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Agre returned to Johns Hopkins as a postdoctoral fellow in cell biology. Dr. Agre joined the faculty in 1984 and has spent most of his professional life at Hopkins' School of Medicine, leaving in 2005 to go to become Vice Chancellor for Science and Technology at Duke University Medical Center. His return to Hopkins and JHMRI in 2008 gives Dr. Agre the opportunity to concentrate on an area in which he has always been interested -- the problem of disease in the developing world. 

    Dr. Agre's research in red-blood-cell biochemistry led to the first known membrane defects in congenital hemolytic anemias (spherocytosis) and produced the first isolation of the Rh blood group antigens. In 1992, his laboratory became widely recognized for discovering the aquaporins, a family of water channel proteins found throughout nature and responsible for numerous physiological processes in humansundefined including kidney concentration, as well as secretion of spinal fluid, aqueous humor, tears, sweat, and release of glycerol from fat. Aquaporins have been implicated in multiple clinical disorders -- including fluid retention, bedwetting, brain edema, cataracts, heat prostration, and obesity. Water transport in lower organisms, microbes, and plants also depend upon aquaporins. For this work, Dr. Agre shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Roderick MacKinnon of Rockefeller University. 

    You can find more info on Professor Peter Agre's website.
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