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  • June 01, 2020 16:18 | Anonymous

    دوستان و همراهان گرامی، سمینار (وبینار) ماهانه کانون مهندس با عنوان “نگاهی به اندیشه های فلسفی و اجتماعی حافظ” همراه با موسیقی زنده و آواز به صورت وبینار چهارشنبه ۳ ژوئن ساعت ۶ عصر در نرم افزار زوم برگزار مي شود. برای ثبت نام و حضور در این وبینار، از لینک زیر استفاده نمایید.


    لطفا به دوستان علاقمند به شعر و ادب پارسی اطلاع رساني نمایید. منتظر حضور گرم شما و دوستانتان هستیم.

  • May 11, 2020 20:35 | Anonymous


    Tomorrow (May 12) is the anniversary of the late Maryam Mirzakhani, Iranian-American mathematician and SUT alumna. There is a free projection of a documentary about her available tomorrow by Zala Films, followed by a panel discussion. It is free, but registration is required. I just watched the trailer, and it looks like a great documentary (available on the same Zala Films link).

    Hope that you can watch; and also hope that you and your loved ones are safe during this pandemic.

    Best regards

    Bahram Zahir

  • April 06, 2020 21:12 | Anonymous

    Our alumni Dr. Farrokh Mohammadi and and Dr. Zahed Sheikholeslami  along with a team of Sharif University alumni and students and a team of healthcare professionals are working on developing a low cost and fast production ventilator machine to help victims of the Corona virus.

  • March 19, 2020 17:42 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Associates,

    During the past five months the reunion committee of our board has been working on a plan for Reunion-2020 and as of now the committee has prepared detailed plan and budget for this event to be held in Northern California in August. However, in light of the recent developments in COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties of this situation over the next few months, the committee has recommended to postpone this event. 

    We are committed to provide a healthy and safe environment for our community and members. Also, we want to let you know that the Reunion-2020 is an important program for Board-10 and we like to go ahead with our plan to hold this event later when it's possible. We are watching the situation with COVID-19 closely and will announce the venue and the date as soon as we are assured of safety and well-being of our guests. Please check suta.org routinely and we will keep you informed of our plan.

    Farrokh Malihi

    President of SUTA

  • March 19, 2020 16:38 | Anonymous

    هم دانشگاهیان گرامی

    در آستانۀ نوروز برای شما سلامتی، شادی،  امنیت و آرامش در هرکجا که هستید آرزو میکنیم

    هیئت مدیرۀ انجمن دانشگاه شریف

    Dear SUTA Associates,

    As we approach the NowRuz we wish you health, Joy, safety and peace wherever you are.

    SUTA Board of Directors

  • February 23, 2020 22:21 | Anonymous

    A PhD graduate of Sharif University of Technology will receive WIPO award in Italy.

    Milad Janii, an alumnus of Sharif’s department of electrical engineering, is to receive WIPO Medal for Inventors for his research work in the field of telecommunication. It is worth mentioning that his work has also reaped second place in Young Researcher/Technologist Section in 21st Khwarizmi Youth Award ceremony.

    Milad Janii’s work on “Increasing Achievable Transmission Rate of Interference Channel Using Blind Interference Alignment” is conducted by him as the main collaborator under supervision of Prof. Mohammad-Reza Aref, faculty member of Sharif’s department of electrical engineering.

    Blind interference alignment (IA) is signaling scheme that holds interference in multi-user systems, without sensing channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The key is the use of reconfigurable antennas (RA) that are capable of dynamically switching between a fixed number of radiation patterns to introduce artificial fluctuation in the channel.

  • February 14, 2020 16:43 | Anonymous

  • February 14, 2020 16:38 | Anonymous

    The devastating loss of life of 176 passengers on board of flight 752, including sixteen Sharif University alumni, and many graduates from other schools, brought deep sadness and sorrow to families and friends who were affected by this tragic incident. This tragedy took lives of tens of innocent people and brought mourning and pain to many families. Many brilliant minds with hopes for a bright future lost their lives and left countless victims who will suffer for years to come.

    The Iranian immigrants and diaspora are stunned by such a tragic incident and are looking for answers. They expect a thorough and transparent investigation by the authorities to explain the reasons behind this tragic incident, they expect justice and appropriate legal actions with those who were responsible, and they expect improvements in the decision making and operational systems to prevent such painful incidents in the future.

    We believe constructive international cooperation can put an end to the critical conditions and continued crisis in the region and prevent such painful incidents in the future.

    Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) demands timely and transparent actions in this case not only as an offering of peace and condolences for the families affected, but also by providing appropriate measures that assure safety and security for all Iranians.

    Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA)

  • February 04, 2020 16:15 | Anonymous


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