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Sharif University of


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  • March 21, 2022 01:45 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)

     همه ساله بخت تو پیروز باد   همه روزگار تو نوروز باد

    فرا رسیدن نوروز، این کهن یادگار ماندگار ایران زمین و رستاخیز طبیعت بر اعضای محترم سوتا خجسته باد

    با آرزوی بهترین ها برای تک تک شما عزیزان در سال نو و قرن جدید و با این امید که سالی سرشار از سلامتی، شادی، موفقیت و تعامل های سازنده در پیش رو داشته باشیم

    با احترام

    هیئت مدیره ی ۱۱ سوتا

  • February 06, 2022 01:40 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)

    از طرف انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، با همراهی خانواده محترم هژبری، و 
    با حضور روسای سابق دانشگاه شریف، دکتر مهدی ضرغامی و دکتر سعید سهراب‌پور، و دوستان و همکاران برگزار شد.

    زمان برنامه: یکشنبه ششم فوریه

    فیلم کامل برنامه یادبود دکتر فریدون هژبری: ۱۵۰ دقیقه

    خلاصه برنامه یادبود دکتر فریدون هژبری: ۴۵ دقیقه

  • February 13, 2021 21:43 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Members.

    Regarding the issue of members in Iran, we have received the lawyer's opinion. We are glad to inform you that as far as the election is concerned, there is no limitation for members in Iran to vote in the election or run for the Board of Directors. The lawyer offered recommendations on how the Board members residing in Iran operate once elected to the BoD which we will share with the next BoD.

    Best Regards, SUTA Board of Directors

    اعضای محترم انجمن سوتا

    خوشحالیم که به استحضار شما برسانیم که نامه وکیل در زمینه عضویت در ایران دریافت شد و تا آنجا که به امر انتخابات مربوط می شود هیچ محدودیتی در زمینه عضویت افراد ساکن ایران در انجمن سوتا و هیئت مدیره آن وجود ندارد. وکیل راهکارهایی را در مورد نحوه فعالیت اعضای ساکن ایران در صورت انتخاب شدن در هیئت مدیره پیشنهاد کرده است که در اختیار هیئت مدیره آینده قرار داده خواهد شد.

    هیات مدیره انجمن سوتا

  • February 12, 2021 13:03 | Anonymous

    You will find this report in the following link:


  • February 10, 2021 11:56 | Anonymous

    On February 7th Board 10 conducted a General Meeting with members on Zoom. More than 93 members attended this meeting and quorum was established. Here is the report presented by the President of the board Mr. Farrokh Malihi:


    Here is a link to this portion of the Zoom Meeting:


  • January 18, 2021 11:25 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Members

    We cordially invite you to attend SUTA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Sunday, February 7th at 12:00 pm EST via the Zoom platform. The program will include the following segments and will be about 60 minutes.

    - Report of the treasurer

    - Report of the president

    - Committee reports

    - Q & A Session

    This Meeting is for SUTA Members only

    You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

    When: Feb 7, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Register in advance for this meeting:


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • January 17, 2021 10:56 | Anonymous


    Abstract: Beneath all of the complex and formidable mathematical structures that formulate physical laws rest simple but deep nuggets of truth. It is these simple truths, and not the complicated technical details, that scientists strive for when uncovering the laws of nature. Fortunately, these core ideas can often be illustrated with simple mathematical puzzles. In this talk I discuss examples of these simple mathematical puzzles and show how they can shed light on some of the deepest concepts in physics. Audience will be asked to participate in solving the puzzles! (based on my book ``Puzzles to Unravel the Universe'' which is designed for the general public, and does not require extensive background in mathematics or physics—just a sense of curiosity!)

  • January 07, 2021 09:41 | Anonymous

    اعضای انجمن سوتا بشرح زیر با صرف وقت داوطلبانه در سال جاری در برنامه های انجمن سوتا همفکری و همکاری کردند.  بدینوسیله از همه این عزیزان تشکر و قدردانی می کنیم. دوستان چنانکه علاقمند به همکاری در برنامه های انجمن سوتا هستید لطفا با آدرس info@suta.org با ما تماس بگیرید

    فرخ ملیحی-  رییس هیات مدیره انجمن سوتا

    (فریبا آریا (تدوین برنامه راهبردی سوتا - تدوین آیین نامه ها - خبرنامه)

    (سیمین ابن سجاد (برنامه های انجمن سوتا در تهران

    (مهشید آژیر (تدوین برنامه راهبردی سوتا - تدوین آیین نامه ها - بورد انتخابات

    (بابک اسگویی (برنامه شعرخوانی سوتا

    (مسعود الفت (سخنران وبینار تخصصی سوتا - خبرنامه

    (الهه انسانی ( سخنران وبینار تخصصی سوتا – کمیته جوایز سوتا

    (محبوب بلندی (بورد انتخابات – خبرنامه سوتا

    (هومن بدایتی (شاخه محلی سیاتل – خبرنامه سوتا

    (کیوان حجری (ادمین گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (علیرضا حمزه لویی (مدیریت جلسه اعضای سوتا

    (بهرخ خوشنویس (سخنران وبینار تخصصی سوتا

    (احمد تفقدی (برنامه های انجمن سوتا در تهران

    (مجید ذولفقاری (شاخه محلی سوید – خبرنامه سوتا

    (فرزین رادکانی (ادمین گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (مهرداد زنگنه حبیبی (ادمین گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (مهرداد سرفراز (شاخه محلی واشنگتن

    (نیلوفر شاداب (تدوین برنامه راهبردی سوتا

    (زاهد شیخ الاسلامی (تدوین آیین نامه ها - سخنران گروه تلگرام – خبرنامه سوتا

    (فیروزه عباسیان (شاخه محلی تورنتو- تدوین آیین نامه ها- مدیریت جلسه اعضا

    (محمود عالم رجبی (بورد انتخابات

    (مژگان علیون (ادمین گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (شایان قطبی (خبرنامه سوتا - آمار گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (ندا صالحی راد (تدوین آیین نامه ها

    (بهرام ظهیر اعظمی (کمیته جوایز سوتا - تدوین آیین نامه ها – خبرنامه سوتا

    (فروزنده طبیبی (ادمین گروه تلگرام سوتا

    (بهنام کامرانی (تدوین برنامه راهبردی

    (جلیل کمالی (کمیته جوایز سوتا - تدوین آیین نامه ها – خبرنامه سوتا

    (سهیلا کمال (خبرنامه سوتا

    (رضا کیانمهر (برنامه جوایز سوتا در تهران

    (فرخ محمدی (سخنران وبینار تخصصی سوتا – خبرنامه سوتا

    (نجم الدین مشکوتی (خبرنامه سوتا

    (نگار متوریان (تدوین برنامه راهبردی

    (داود نواییان (شاخه محلی سوید

    (فریماه وهابزاده (شاخه محلی کالیفرنیا

  • December 23, 2020 13:31 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Members

    The following is a summary progress report for SUTA Board of Directors during 2019-2020

    - Board held twenty monthly meetings during 2019 and 2020 for planning, decision making, organization and coordination of ongoing projects, and approvals of board decisions. Minutes of these reports are available for all members on SUTA website  www.suta.org.

    - Registration of SUTA as a non-profit organization in the state of California was renewed.

    - With assistance from our accountant Federal and State taxes for 2018 and 2019 were paid and past due taxes were taken care of. We are now current with all Federal and State taxes.

    - Over $6000 was raised from donations provided by SUTA members in the US.

    - Quarterly Financial Reports were prepared. These reports are available for members on SUTA website www.suta.org

    - Membership increased by 40% during 2019-2020 period.

    - Board coordinated the start of a new SUTA chapter in Germany and re-start of activities for Vancouver and Northern California Chapters. Other active chapters include Toronto, Sweden, Washington DC and Seattle.

    - A virtual ceremony was held on Zoom for celebration of 20th Anniversary of SUTA for SUTA members, and SUT alumni and faculty.  This program is available on YouTube.

    - SUTA Awards ceremony was held in October to recognize notable alumni, faculty and staff of our university. Awards Committee include: Dr. Jalil Kamali, Dr. Bahram Zahir, Dr. Elahe Enssani, and Farrokh Malihi.

    - A new project was initiated to support graduate students with financial aid and travel expenses to attend professional and scientific meetings.

    - A proposal by Dr. Fariba Aria former SUTA president and her team for future programs of SUTA was submitted and approved by the board. This proposal included ideas and programs for mentorship to help younger members.

    - Documents for operating procedures for SUTA elections and roles and responsibilities of board executives was prepared by SUTA advisers and sent to the Election Board.

    - Educational programs including five webinars were held on Zoom during 2020. Guest speakers include: Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis (CEO, Contour Crafting Corp., Professor USC, Dr. Farrokh Mohamadi, CEO Tialinx Ltd, Dr. Elahe Enssani, Professor California State University, and Dr. Masoud Olfat (Director, Federated Wireless Co.).  Our Final speaker of this year was Dr. Mehdi Zarghamee, Sr. Principal SGH Inc., and former Chancellor of Sharif University (SUT).  These presentations were attended by many SUTA members, SUT faculty and alumni and are available on YouTube.

    - Three quarterly Newsletters were published which cover news and events from our board, SUTA chapters and articles of interest to our members

    - SUTA website www.suta.org was improved and new sections were added to include educational programs and webinars, SUTA Awards, and introduction of notable SUT alumni

    - SUTA presence was expanded in professional and social media. SUTA Linkedin group currently has over 2400 members and is dedicated to news and events from SUTA and Sharif University and sharing of informative articles and videos.  Currently two Telegram groups (SUTA Telegram Network, and SUTA members) are approved and are active providing a forum to connect over 1100 SUTA members and Sharif University alumni worldwide.

    - Planning and coordination of elections for the upcoming SUTA board was completed in December 2020.

    Best regards,

    Farrokh Malihi, President SUTA Board of Directors

    December 2020

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