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  • March 31, 2022 02:34 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)


    This program is intended to help Sharif University alumni currently pursuing their post graduate studies in universities in North America and Europe. The program will provide student grants for travel expenses and for scientific research.  

    Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) is associated with some of the world’s top universities by its members who continue their graduate studies abroad following graduation from Sharif Universities. These talented students are attracted by some of the best universities, around the world, and particularly in North America and Europe, due to the quality of their studies at Sharif university. Such flow of talented students play an important role in spreading knowledge, ideas and skills not only within Sharif University but in society in general. SUTA aspires to help these students by offering the Student Grant Program; a well-funded, long-term scholarship providing partial support to facilitate students’ education and research.

    Who Qualifies for the Student Grant

    Applicants must be a SUTA member, and currently enrolled in graduate studies and research (Masters, PhD) in an accredited university around the world, particularly in North America and Europe.

    How to Apply for Student Grant

    Applicants must fill out the online Application Form (https://bit.ly/2PjAhCU ) and submit supporting documents, including a CV, A Personal Statement, and an approximate budget based on their expenses. If the upload feature of the form did not work, please submit your supporting documents grants@suta.org.  

    For more information, please see Appendix 1.

    Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee receiving a grant.

    Level of Financial Assistance

    Level of financial assistance may vary based on students’ qualifications and their need. The grant is awarded up to $1500 to the recipients.

    Deadline for Sending Application for 2022 Student Grant

    Deadline for submission of application for the 2022 student grants is June 15th, 2022.

    How SUTA Members & Associates can Support this Program

    SUTA, like most other non-profit organizations, has sustained and improved its activities only through the generous donations of its members and its benefactors. Since its inception in 2000, SUTA has been supported by many individuals who believe in SUTA and in its mission and ideals.

    Hereby, we would like to invite our members to consider supporting the Student Grant Program (please see the file in Appendix 2). Thank you for your continued support.

    Best regards

    SUTA Awards & Grant Committee

  • March 31, 2022 02:32 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)

    SUTA Awards 2022 (Extended Deadline)

    The Awards Committee is honored to announce the 2022 kickoff of the SUTA Awards Program. This bi-annual award program will be held for the sixth time in conjunction with the 2022 SUTA Reunion. These awards will be given in three categories as follows.

    1.    Dr. Amin’s Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize a scholar with outstanding contribution to the university. The former recipients of this award are Professor Siavash Shahshahani (2010), Professor Saeed Sohrabpour (2012), Professor Reza Mansouri (2014), Professor Mohammad Ghodsi (2016), professor Firooz Partovi (2018) and Dr Mohammad Durali (2020).

    2.    Alumni Achievement Award to recognize an alumnus with outstanding achievement in industry or academia. The former recipients of this award are Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis (2012), Professor Mahmood Tabiani (2014), Mr. Hesam Armandehi (2016), Dr. Mona Jarrahi (2018) and Dr. Adel Ferdosi (2020).

    3.    Staff and Alumni Service Award to recognize an alumnus or university staff with outstanding service to the university, SUTA, or the society. The former recipients of this award are Professor Alinaghi Mashayekhi (2012), Mr. Alireza Hamzelou, Mr. Mehdi Hakimpour, Ms. Afsaneh Tehrani and Mr. Mansour Ajoudani (2014), Mr. Ehsan Arzpeyma (2016), Mr. Hassan Noorbakhsh (2018) and Ms. Mehrnoush Naderi (2020).

    We are now inviting the membership for nominating appropriate candidates for all of the above categories. The nominations must be submitted electronically by May 1st, 2022 to the email address awards@suta.org and should include a short biography of the candidate and an explanation to justify the candidacy.

    We are also announcing the 2022 Dr. Mojtahedi’s Innovation Award (fileto recognize the best research conducted in every department of Sharif University of Technology and the announcement is made separately (application file).

    For further information about the awards and their past recipients, interested members are encouraged to visit SUTA website and read Dr. Jalil Kamali’s article in SUTA Newsletter No. 77.


    Best Regards

    SUTA Awards & Grant Committee

  • March 21, 2022 01:45 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)

     همه ساله بخت تو پیروز باد   همه روزگار تو نوروز باد

    فرا رسیدن نوروز، این کهن یادگار ماندگار ایران زمین و رستاخیز طبیعت بر اعضای محترم سوتا خجسته باد

    با آرزوی بهترین ها برای تک تک شما عزیزان در سال نو و قرن جدید و با این امید که سالی سرشار از سلامتی، شادی، موفقیت و تعامل های سازنده در پیش رو داشته باشیم

    با احترام

    هیئت مدیره ی ۱۱ سوتا

  • February 06, 2022 01:40 | Mahboob Bolandi (Administrator)

    از طرف انجمن دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، با همراهی خانواده محترم هژبری، و 
    با حضور روسای سابق دانشگاه شریف، دکتر مهدی ضرغامی و دکتر سعید سهراب‌پور، و دوستان و همکاران برگزار شد.

    زمان برنامه: یکشنبه ششم فوریه

    فیلم کامل برنامه یادبود دکتر فریدون هژبری: ۱۵۰ دقیقه

    خلاصه برنامه یادبود دکتر فریدون هژبری: ۴۵ دقیقه

  • February 13, 2021 21:43 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Members.

    Regarding the issue of members in Iran, we have received the lawyer's opinion. We are glad to inform you that as far as the election is concerned, there is no limitation for members in Iran to vote in the election or run for the Board of Directors. The lawyer offered recommendations on how the Board members residing in Iran operate once elected to the BoD which we will share with the next BoD.

    Best Regards, SUTA Board of Directors

    اعضای محترم انجمن سوتا

    خوشحالیم که به استحضار شما برسانیم که نامه وکیل در زمینه عضویت در ایران دریافت شد و تا آنجا که به امر انتخابات مربوط می شود هیچ محدودیتی در زمینه عضویت افراد ساکن ایران در انجمن سوتا و هیئت مدیره آن وجود ندارد. وکیل راهکارهایی را در مورد نحوه فعالیت اعضای ساکن ایران در صورت انتخاب شدن در هیئت مدیره پیشنهاد کرده است که در اختیار هیئت مدیره آینده قرار داده خواهد شد.

    هیات مدیره انجمن سوتا

  • February 12, 2021 13:03 | Anonymous

    You will find this report in the following link:


  • February 10, 2021 11:56 | Anonymous

    On February 7th Board 10 conducted a General Meeting with members on Zoom. More than 93 members attended this meeting and quorum was established. Here is the report presented by the President of the board Mr. Farrokh Malihi:


    Here is a link to this portion of the Zoom Meeting:


  • January 18, 2021 11:25 | Anonymous

    Dear SUTA Members

    We cordially invite you to attend SUTA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Sunday, February 7th at 12:00 pm EST via the Zoom platform. The program will include the following segments and will be about 60 minutes.

    - Report of the treasurer

    - Report of the president

    - Committee reports

    - Q & A Session

    This Meeting is for SUTA Members only

    You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

    When: Feb 7, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Register in advance for this meeting:


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • January 17, 2021 10:56 | Anonymous


    Abstract: Beneath all of the complex and formidable mathematical structures that formulate physical laws rest simple but deep nuggets of truth. It is these simple truths, and not the complicated technical details, that scientists strive for when uncovering the laws of nature. Fortunately, these core ideas can often be illustrated with simple mathematical puzzles. In this talk I discuss examples of these simple mathematical puzzles and show how they can shed light on some of the deepest concepts in physics. Audience will be asked to participate in solving the puzzles! (based on my book ``Puzzles to Unravel the Universe'' which is designed for the general public, and does not require extensive background in mathematics or physics—just a sense of curiosity!)

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